VEDA is capable of remotely monitoring vibrations and condition of structures simultaneously in the time and frequency domains and displays the displacement, velocity and acceleration of vibrations at even inaccessible locations on a structure.

  • Ground Vibrations.
  • VEDA senses vibrations on the ground and ring an alarm bell to allow troops to detect infiltrator.
  • VEDA is expected to serve as a useful surveillance tool to help minimize a possible security vacuum in the future.
  • VEDA is world�s first ready-made buried sensor with the brains inside that can detect the person walking from the distance as far as 1 km and vehicle depending upon weight from 10 Kms minimum.
  • VEDA delivers very low false alarm rates (FAR).
Drone detection
Drone Surveillance
  • Surveying the battlefield using unmanned aerial drones with the capability of Dreoneachrya and Photonic Laser sensors to map the landscape and positions of the enemies and send the data to command centre.
  • This data can assist the officers in taking strategic decisions. Droneacharya can also be used for autonomous patrolling near the borders and to alert the army personnel in case of a breach or a potential threat thereby complementing the application of VEDA.
  • This nullifies any personnel loss as they are unmanned and pose no additional risk as they can be operated remotely.
  • Droneachrya can collect data on the landscape to identify vantage points, water bodies and water level and mapping the terrain structure into a 3D model.


  • Ship security and safety at the sea is ensured by Savdhan Optoelectronic system (SOS).
  • SOS track ships, unwater vessels or even a diver, ensuring immediate alert and alarm in time of distress, these systems keep the borders, ports and shipping industry on the right track all the time.
  • SOS is an excellent ship navigation and tracking system which helps to pinpoint the exact location of the ships along with other navigational statistics.
  • SOS also helps in sending and receiving real time data between ships or between ship and shore.
  • SOS was especially designed to deal with different coastline security challenges 24 / 7, without interruption and without affecting normal activities.


  • Dronacharya with CATS AI techniques are being developed to enhance the accuracy of target recognition in complex combat environments. These techniques allow defense forces to gain an in-depth understanding of potential hot spots areas at sea.
  • Additionally, Droneacharya in target recognition systems improves the ability of these systems to identify the position of their targets.
  • Capabilities of CATS AI-enabled target recognition systems include probability-based forecasts of enemy behavior, aggregation of weather and environmental conditions, anticipation and flagging of potential supply line bottlenecks or vulnerabilities, assessments of mission approaches, and suggested mitigation strategies.
  • Using CATS Dronachrya Image processing techniques embedded with machine learning to identify targets and automatically locate with the help of Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) images.


  • Each country's weather is intimately correlated to its terrain and geographical location, determining not just clothing, housing and food styles, but also the type of warfare conducted there.
  • The clearness of the skies, the presence or absence of moonlight and wind speeds play vital roles in the execution of specific operations. If the meteorological data are slightly unfavorable, the operation may fail.
  • And the movement of troops by air requires that we pay close attention to the speed and direction of winds. Severe winds can play havoc with such operations, and, especially in terrain that are mostly mountainous, the enemy often hides in valleys sheltered on both sides by peaks.
  • Cloud cover is another variable that threatens aerial operations. Clouds increase the chance that special operations troops can be attacked by the enemy, and routes through the mountains are subject to air turbulence and other life-threatening weather phenomena.
  • From flying unmanned aircraft systems to long-range marksmanship, military weather analysis assures security and safety that showcases how it affects a variety of elements---ranging from air defense to threat systems.
  • A strong wind (near +/-10) affects the projectile in the horizontal direction the same way gravity affects it in the vertical, so a cannonball could change direction and �fall� back towards the player that fired it!
Samira accuratelyreports weather so :
  • Conditions that are too hot, too cold, too windy, or too wet and overcast do not interfere with normal operations.
  • Swiftly communicating changes in operates that might be impacted by weather.
  • Keeping troops safe whether they're stationed on the ground, at sea, or in the air.
Samira with its long range of 5 km can provide wind profile for every 100m. Commander becomes aware of current wind conditions, he or she may choose to take appropriate measures before firing the gun or cannon.


  • Internal waves affect naval operations in two principal areas--depth control and detection capability.
  • The passage of large-amplitude internal waves could make submarine depth control difficult, particularly when the submarine is running quietly at low speed.
  • AUM_OCEAN monitors hydrodynamic signatures and provides real time information.
  • AUM_OCEAN provides environmental information that is important for successful planning and execution of naval operations.
  • AUM_OCEAN provides a thorough understanding of hydrodynamic signatures variability greatly increases the likelihood of mission success and of greatest use to the warfighter, needs to be directed towards assisting and solving battlefield problems.
  • AUM_OCEAN with Array of things examines the following issues :
    • How environmental data are used in current naval warfare doctrine,
    • Current procedures for in situ collection of data,
    • The present capabilities of the Navy's oceanographic community to provide supporting information for naval warfare operations, and
    • The ability of oceanographic research and technology developments to enhance current naval warfare capabilities and countermeasures .
  • From a military aviation, shipping and ground transportation perspective, the variability, complexity, time dependence of performance, and aspects of qualifying a system for use remain significant hurdles even after decades of investment in research and development of SHM.
  • These hurdles are being addressed as a function of available resources and a comprehensive solution will take time and require appropriate management of expectations for SHM systems.
  • CATS Structural Health Monitoring has been proposed as a solution to address the needs of military machineries to reduce the time and cost to perform nondestructive inspections using VIDUR and VEDA.
  • VIDUR and VEDA are key for predictive and preventive management of all assets used for Military operations.
  • All moving and stationary assets required to be uptime ready in case of emergency.
  • In addition, it is important to note that a VIDUR and VEDA are compatible for all types of application with different levels of criticality coupled with different approaches for managing the integrity of structure.
  • The critical parameter VIDUR and VEDA measures is not the smallest defect that can be detected, but the largest defect that can be consistently missed.
  • Monitoring a Fighter's health while on the battlefield at remote location is verycomplex.
  • Dr T can be used for soldiershealth diagnostic which can track, sense and send alerts about their changing medical condition to the command centre where each fighter can be centrally monitored and in adverse situations can be pulled off from the field or be administered medical supplements based on need.
  • Additionally, the doctors and medical personnel will have a prior knowledge on the severity of the injury of the soldier before they are brought back to the medical base for treatment.
  • Based on the information, necessary equipment could be arranged in advance so that no time is wasted during the treatment of injured soldiers.

  • CATS Photonic Sensing technology integrated with Machine Learning and AI is extremely useful to efficiently process large volumes of data captured from hoards of devices and sensors from the battlefield in order to obtain valuable and critical information.
  • This information helps is taking time critical decisions by the officers and plot strategic actions to combat the enemy.
  • CATs AI can assist in culling and aggregating information from different datasets, as well as acquire and sum supersets of information from various sources. This advanced analysis enables military personnel to then recognize patterns of intrusion and derive correlations.
  • CATS AoT can complement the already efficient Army with its connected framework and all sensing capabilities.
  • CATs AoT with CATS Machine Learning, we can get critical insights of the battlefield in near real-time putting the officers at an advantage to use the information to change the course of actions on the field and to carry out a successful operation.
  • AoT can help the military in any kind of operation like battlefield combat, spying and surveillance an enemy base or a terrorist hideout, Search and Rescue, Reconnaissance and to gather information.
  • Target recognition with non acoustic system also helps in search and rescue missions or military personnel or if there are any hostages involved during terrorist attacks. This can save precious lives of military personnel in case of a surprise attack by the enemy.
  • First-hand investigation with live feed can be done by Droneachryaand then necessary action can be taken based on threat level.
  • Droneacharya combined with VEDA and SAVDHAN uses Object / Target recognition to identify the vehicles, humans and track their positions from an altitude. This data is captured and processed in real-time giving the edge to the army personnel before they proceed to the attacking zone.
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